About Us
Sunych Integrated Services Limited is a business enterprise consulting firm that commenced business in January 2015 under the laws of Federal Republic of Nigeria on 8th January, 2015. We produce solutions that change growth, excite customers and empower businesses with our client connect solutions.
Aggregation of Value added Services
Aggregator’s primary service is to aggregate Value-Added Services from various Content and app service providers and to distribute to appropriate Network Operator to the end user as the case may be by the access partner. To provide links to the NETWORK OPERATORS We provide simplified, direct and secure connection to content and application providers for access to all network operators that have the capability to transmit value added services to end users.
Our Mission
To create an organization capable of providing excellent professional management services to our target market [and target market-size] and that will dramatically impact the way their businesses are being managed, as regarding the ability of management financial information.
Our Plan
To achieve our mission, Sunych Integrated Services invests in and upholds certain values that will never be compromised, such as: Knowledge and Skill, Service Attitude, Relationships, Timeliness, Expertise, Excellence and Innovative ideas.
Our Vision
To build relationships by providing unparalleled, high quality and excellent accounting and management services for our target clients with aim of adding value to their businesses.
Core Values
To achieve our mission, Sunych Integrated Services invests in and upholds certain values that will never be compromised, such as: Knowledge and Skill, Service Attitude, Relationships, Timeliness, Expertise, Excellence and Innovation.
Sunych Integrated Services Limited is a business enterprise consulting firm that commenced business in January 2015 under the laws of Federal Republic of Nigeria on 8th January, 2015. Sunych Integrated Services Limited offers best-in-class methods in workforce strategy, knowledge management, process optimization, performance measurement and quality/regulatory management. With a reputation for integrity, commitment and hard work, we’ve enjoyed a track record of tactical and strategic implementation, to truly achieve our clients’ objectives.
Target Audience
We specialize in providing management accounting services to organizations that are currently not adequately serviced by professional accountants. Our initial target clientele are privately owned businesses, Governmental organization, Non-Governmental Organization [NGOs], Small and Medium Enterprises [SMEs], Churches and other similar establishments that are poorly managed due to lack of adequate management and financial information.